sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

Presentation of petition to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on the commision of crimes against humanity and war crimes in Mexico

Friday, November 25th
The Hague, Netherlands

On Friday, November 25th at 3 pm (in The Netherlands) the team of human rights lawyers led by Netzaí Sandoval presented its case in The Hague concerning the commission of crimes against humanity and war crimes in Mexico.  The file presented includes detailed information about at least 470 specific cases of violations of International Humanitarian Law by different federal security forces in Mexico, including cases of torture, extrajudicial killings, forced disappearances, kidnappings and enslavement of migrants who are then sold to drug cartels.  The file consists of more than 700 pages of documents, in addition to the annexes which include numerous media reports and other supporting material.
Over the past five years, in Mexico there have been over 50,000 violent deaths (including at least 1,300 youth and children), 230,000 displaced people and at least 10,000 "disappeared" persons. This violence is not a normal outcome of the global economic downturn or of disputes between rival drug gangs, but indicates the existence of a humanitarian crisis. Indeed, the scale of the crisis is much larger than those in Congo, Sudan, Kenya or the Ivory Cost, all of which are presently under investigation by the ICC.
The petition is directed against the Mexican president and other top officials, as well as the leaders of Mexico's most important drug cartels, for refusing to follow the basic protocols that should rule armed conflicts and conducting a "systematic attack on the civilian population". 

The online version of the petition now has the support of almost 20,000 signatures (available here: http://www.petitiononline.com/CPI/petition.html), as well as another 5,000 on paper. This petition is presented in accordance with article 15 of the Rome Statute which indicates that the prosecutor of the ICC may initiate investigations "proprio motu [on his own initiative] on the basis of information on crimes within the jurisdiction of the court".

The petition is publicly supported by the following leading lawyers, academics, activists and artists:
John M. Ackerman (Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM) Miguel Badillo (Director de la Revista "Contralinea") Rafael Barajas ("El Fisgón", La Jornada) Virgilio Caballero (Periodista) Edgar Cortés (Instituto Mexicano de Derechos Humanos y Democracia) Claudia Cruz Santiago (Directora General del Instituto de Acción Ciudadana para la Justicia y la Democracia) Rocío Culebro (Directora, Instituto Mexicano de Derechos Humanos y Democracia) Carlos Fazio (periodista-la Jornada) Manuel Fuentes Muñiz (Presidente, Asoc. Nac. de Abogados Democráticos ANAD) Patricia Galeana (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM) José Francisco Gallardo Rodríguez (General Brigadier y Doctor en Administración Pública) Olga Harmony  (Decana de la crítica teatral) Antonio Helguera (Caricaturista, Proceso, El Chamuco, La Jornada) Julio Hernández López (Astillero) José Hernández (Caricaturista, Proceso, El Chamuco, La Jornada) Epigmenio Ibarra (Presidente, Argos Comunicación) David Manrique (Caricaturista,  Contralínea) Jesús Robles Maloof (Defensor de los Derechos Humanos) Sanjuana Martínez (Periodista) Profesor Davir Martínez-Amador M.A. (Universidad Jesuita de Guatemala, experto en narcotráfico) José Rosario Marroquín (Director, Centro de Derechos Humanos "Pro Juárez") Pedro Miguel (Periodista, La Jornada) Loretta Ortiz Ahlf (Departamento de Derecho, Universidad Iberoamericana) Victor Quintana (Defensor de derechos humanos, Chihuahua) Octavio Rodríguez Araujo (Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM) Irma Eréndira Sandoval (Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, UNAM) Julio Scherer Ibarra (Jurista, periodista y autor) Lauro Sol (Abogado, ex-presidente de la Asoc. Nac. de Abogados Democráticos ANAD) Tiaré Scanda (Actriz, estríctamente a título personal) Lorenzo Vignal (Embajador) William Weaver (Universidad de Texas, El Paso)

For additional information, please see: www.juicioacalderon.blogspot.com


Netzaí Sandoval
E-mail: netzai@gmail.com
Twitter: @Netzai_Sandoval

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

Artículos sobre el juicio a Calderón en la prensa internacional

Compartimos algunos artículos en inglés que han aparecido recientemente sobre el juicio a Calderón

Pueden encontrar varios más en la barra lateral de nuestro Blog bajo el rubro "Información sobre el Juicio a Calderón".

Muchas personas más se han sumado a la petición que presentaremos ante el fiscal de la CPI como el General Gallardo y la periodista Sanjuana Martínez. Recuerden que quedan solamente 3 días más para continuar firmando la petición en Internet.